Meet our 2021-2022 Board of Directors…
[Top Left to Right] bill berry, jr., (Chair,) Gilda Brower, (Vice-Chair) and founding board member, Lisa Brennan, (Secretary,) Kathy Barnard, (Treasurer,) Steve Webster, board member, Jack Hardy, board member, Rhonda Miller, board member, Dr. Cathleen Dotterer, board member, Dr. Lou Lombardo, board member, Vijay Mital, founding board member, Carol Colvin, board member, Rhoda Overstreet-Wilson, board member, Melody Smith Johnson, board member.
The Harriet Tubman Center for Justice & Peace is organized for the following reasons:
1. To stimulate and support an inclusive engaged community through constructive community projects that address the vibrant, diverse range of social justice concerns. The corporation shall especially foster projects that promote the multiplicity of diversity concerns articulated by the community or the Board. These efforts are goaled to strengthen community values, goals and objectives. HTCJP shall partner and collaborate with interested citizens, institutions, governmental entities, corporate and non-profit businesses and organizations, to further the belief that all facets of the City of Auburn and Cayuga County can readily embrace a basic commitment to a welcoming, inclusive and caring community.
2. To plan, promote, and when appropriate, initiate and coordinate strategic and evaluative programs aimed at developing best practice and unique approaches and proactive methods to social justice issues.
3. To achieve educational, programmatic objectives and public purposes promoting and providing for harmonious social justice thinking and community practices to enhance the overall acceptance of practices and systems that empower the basic humanity of all residents.
4. To develop a community environment where people recognize social justice as a core precept of diversity and where we purposely demonstrate respect and appreciation of one another.
5. To do any other act specific to or connected with the foregoing purposes or in advancement thereof, but not for the pecuniary profit or financial gain of its members, directors or officers, except as permitted under the laws of the State of New York.
“The Harriet Tubman Center for Justice & Peace, Inc. is governed by an active Board of Directors, all who have a passion for social justice, and who live in the Auburn/Cayuga County, New York community.””
A Changing of Perspective: Childhood Matters
We hope we can all gather, share and learn from each other’s stories as we work to make Auburn and Cayuga County a Fairer and more Peaceful Place to Grow, Live and Work!"