During the next two years, the Harriet Tubman Center for Justice and Peace will develop and implement strategies to engage Auburn and Cayuga County communities in discussions of how we learned about justice and peace in our childhood. HTJCP hopes to stimulate the telling of stories from our childhood to help the community learn about how we can all promote justice and peace as key principles in the lives of our children as they move into and make the future for their children!
We will explore questions like:
What did our childhood experiences teach us about these two important guiding principals [justice & peace] for how we relate and interact with others?
What experiences did we have that taught us about fairness, respect, equality, freedom, empowerment, sharing, connecting?
Where and when did we learn about human dignity, peace and justice and about seeing and handling differences and diversity?
What did we learn in our families, schools, peer groups, communities?
What strategies for peace and justice do we pass on to the children in our lives as lessons passed from generation to generation? how do we do this?
““The Road to Peace and Justice Goes Through Childhood:
The Childhood of Adults, The Childhood of the Children with Whom Adults Interact and The Adults these Children Become.” ”
WOrking to make a difference…
We have implemented community-based programs in 2019/2020 continuing through 2021 to enhance the Auburn and Cayuga County community. Learn more!
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